by Katie Rasoul | Jan 23, 2018 | Authenticity, Coaching, Community, Culture, Generations, Leadership, Millennials
I read a lot of articles and commentary regarding generations and the workplace because, well, that is my business. I have long been a proponent of changing the narrative around generations, particularly on how we describe Millennials, because what I read and hear is...
by Katie Rasoul | Dec 5, 2017 | Authenticity, Coaching, Communication, Culture, Leadership
Can you name what your proud moment was of the week? How about last week? I can tell you that this week I am so proud of the work one of my newer clients is doing on her own self-awareness. The week before that, I was beaming with pride over my three-year-old son’s...
by Katie Rasoul | Aug 31, 2017 | Authenticity, Communication, Culture, Leadership
Communication is what I argue to be the single most critical element of team dynamics. Of course, there are other important factors to make a team successful, but if communication is broken then nothing else seems significant enough to redeem those shortcomings. But...
by Katie Rasoul | Aug 24, 2017 | Coaching, Communication, Culture, Leadership, Millennials
The topics of communication, feedback, and relationships with bosses come up consistently as some of the top factors we can improve as leaders to give our teams a better work experience. People tend to go to work every day with the intention of doing well, and they...
by Katie Rasoul | Jun 8, 2017 | Communication, Culture, Leadership
You are a leader, either by choice or be default. I am referring here to leadership as your ability to lead and impact other people, not your title, rank, or how many people directly report to you. If you have an official leadership role in your organization, then...
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