by Katie Rasoul | May 17, 2017 | Authenticity, Communication, Culture, High-Achieving Introverts, Leadership
I didn’t always understand what it meant to live in accordance to your values. In fact, I didn’t even know this really existed in the practical sense. But once I recognized that my work was not aligned with what was most important to me, I couldn’t un-see it. I know...
by Katie Rasoul | Mar 30, 2017 | Culture, Generations, Leadership, Millennials
I honestly didn’t realize I was a Millennial until last year. Here I was, growing up my whole life in the generation that was handed to me (get the joke there?), and it took me until my thirties to realize that I was, in fact, a Millennial. That sounds ridiculous. I...
by Katie Rasoul | Jan 17, 2017 | Coaching, Culture, Generations, Leadership
I am passionate (read: obsessed) with the development of the next generation of our leaders. Let’s break this down together. The Next Generation In leadership roles, this is largely Millennials. Let me start by saying we are fundamentally having the wrong...
by Katie Rasoul | Jan 4, 2017 | Coaching
The “Huh” moment is the reason why I love coaching. I am referring to the moment the coach asks just the right question that the client stops, thinks, and then says, “huh!” as if something new just occurred to them. And that is because something new did. It is a great...
by Katie Rasoul | Dec 21, 2016 | Culture, Leadership
I love the holiday season. There is something in the air, a certain sense of goodwill and cheer. Isn’t it great when someone holds the door for you, looks you in the eye, smiles and spouts, “Merry Christmas!”? (Sidenote: If you don’t feel it, I...
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