by Katie Rasoul | Dec 29, 2019 | Book, Leadership, Millennials, Women Leaders
In 2018, I had set a goal to read 40 books in one year, which was far and away more than anything I had every attempted in the past. I did it, and the most amazing side effect was creating a new pace and habit of reading that I was able to carry into the future long...
by Katie Rasoul | Dec 23, 2019 | Authenticity, Leadership, Women Leaders
For a few years now I have been a little obsessed about using my time in meaningful ways. Ever since becoming a parent, my perception of the value of time has shifted dramatically where I now have very little tolerance for jobs, people, conference calls, meetings, and...
by Katie Rasoul | Dec 2, 2019 | Communication, Culture, Generations, Leadership, Millennials
Not sure what you want to be when you grow up? It doesn’t matter, that job probably won’t exist forever anyways. According to research by Manpower Group, 65% of the jobs GenZ will perform do not even exist yet. As a result, one of the most important skills and talents...
by Katie Rasoul | Nov 20, 2019 | Authenticity, Coaching, Community, Culture, Leadership
For the past two years, I have been fixated on the topic of belonging. I have asked questions and searched for answers to queries like, what does belonging feel like? What needs to happen for belonging to exist, and what gets in the way? I have done some deep reading...
by Katie Rasoul | Oct 24, 2019 | Culture, Leadership, Podcast
Would you believe that a simple business initiative can decrease turnover by 50% AND inspire double-digit improvements in engagement and productivity? And it all starts with making work more human. Today, we’re joined by Derek Irvine, the Senior VP of Client Strategy...
by Katie Rasoul | Oct 3, 2019 | Authenticity, Book, Leadership, Women Leaders
Have you ever tried to put a value on what an hour is worth to you? Have you ever thought to try? I certainly never did, until the value of an hour took a seismic shift for me. For much of my career, I worked in high-level leadership roles in retail, where things...
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