Blind Spot Straight Ahead!

Blind Spot Straight Ahead!

Just when you needed it the least, there it is. A blind spot in your leadership somehow creeps up and smacks you in the face. How was this not in your consciousness before? Just how did we get here? I once received feedback from someone in the form of a letter. The...
Finding Your Everyday Leadership

Finding Your Everyday Leadership

We are all leaders. All of us. It doesn’t have to be grandiose or elevated all of the time. It can be every tiny moment of every day. And it is how we choose to lead that makes the difference. We lead our children, our peers, each other and we have an impact on...
Who Are You Under There?

Who Are You Under There?

We move so quickly through our day and life that it is easy to go a long time without reflecting on who we truly are as people and if we are living our lives authentically. All it takes is a reminder now and again to do a gut check. The Talent Anarchy team, Jason...