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An Essay to the Future
As “normal” life comes to a halt, I can’t help but appreciate the moment of pause. It has helped me come to terms with the fact that “normal” life wasn’t normal at all. I hope we rebuild our lives remembering what was most important to us when things got scary. Our health. Our families. Our safety. And that we felt seen, understood, and loved by someone.
Life and Leadership Podcast: Anger – What it is and How We Can Use it for Good!
Today, we’re discussing where anger comes from and what purpose it serves. We address the stigma around anger in our culture, reframing it as a neutral emotion that has benefits when we can choose it as a response.
How companies obstruct us from bringing our whole selves to work
If we want people to feel whole that means that they can come to work, just as they are. Our organizations have some work to do to create environments at work where we can all let our humanity show. The messiness will be worth the reward of our collective wholeness.
Life and Leadership Podcast: Habits That Make You a Better Leader
Today, we are sharing the five areas of habit development that have the greatest impact on leadership prowess. We discuss the communication habits you can use to inspire employees, explaining how storytelling and emotional language expand our ability to communicate effectively and guide a team.
Love Belongs at Work
When there is no love, employees are psychologically unattached to their work and the company. Because their engagement needs are not being fully met, they’re putting time — but not energy or passion — into their work. And why should they? If the organization does not put time, energy and passion towards people, why would we expect them to give it back?
Life and Leadership Podcast: The Future of Work: Millennials as Managers, with Lindsay Boccardo
By 2030, millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce. So, how do they differ from Gen Xers and boomers? And what can companies do to accelerate millennial leadership development? Today, we’re joined by Lindsay Boccardo, the founder of Lindsay Boccardo...