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Tiny Behaviors for Big Impact

Tiny Behaviors for Big Impact

I often hear from leaders that they want to be more effective at really getting to know their team, and to create a culture of trust with their team. And, these same leaders don’t always know what comes next to make that actually happen. Surely there are some big...

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Find Your Fuel

Find Your Fuel

It is easy to get caught in the imaginary vortex of the giant task of “finding my life’s purpose.” Looking for what fuels me seems much more attainable.

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Keep going.

Keep going.

I turn 40 years old this month. I’ve heard wonderful things about your forties. This year is focused on loving on my people, loving on myself and by all measure, to keep going.

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Why New Leaders Struggle to Delegate

Why New Leaders Struggle to Delegate

New leaders often say, “Their plates are already full.” Or, “I don’t have time to train.” It’s not that many of these leaders don’t know how to delegate, or don’t want to. There is a critical ingredient missing that is often left unconsidered.

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Check out The Life & Leadership Podcast, where we share ideas, real life stories, and inspiration for powerful people to level up. Tegan Trovato ( and Katie Rasoul (Team Awesome) are recovering HR executives and professional life & leadership coaches. In each episode, they’ll help you tap into your personal power and take your life and career to the “next level.”

Tegan & Katie are committed to helping others discover their inner mission and rise to their highest potential. And they are working on it every day themselves. Are you ready to transform how you lead and live? Find us anywhere you listen to your podcasts.