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Life and Leadership Podcast: Life as a Futurist, with Rebecca Ryan
Are you curious about how current trends might impact the future? If so, you may be a futurist. In fact, we can all apply strategic foresight to plan for what’s ahead, exploring the current tends in our own lives to think through how the future could unfold—and then building a plan around the things we can control.
The Badass Lady Gang
I cannot begin to tell you enough about the value of having a network of reliable, awesome women at your disposal. These are the women who you would recommend for damn near anything. This is the badass lady gang.
Life and Leadership Podcast: Owning Your Leadership, with Mike Rognlien
Today, we’re joined by Mike Rognlien, the founder of Multiple Hats Management, a consulting team out of Chicago created to help clients build awesome cultures in every organization, at every level.
Life and Leadership Podcast: The Imposter Syndrome, with Dr. Valerie Young
Today, we’re joined by Dr. Valerie Young, the internationally recognized authority on imposter syndrome. This phenomenon of feeling less capable or talented than people think is known as imposter syndrome, and it impacts 70% of the population.
This Applies to You (An Essay)
Why is it that we take in some information that affects society as a whole and feel as if it applies to us, and some things we feel do not? Please stay, this applies to you.
Life and Leadership Podcast: 90-Day Commitments (Part 2)
Today on the Life and Leadership Podcast, we’re checking in to share the outcomes around our 90-day commitments.
Check out The Life & Leadership Podcast, where we share ideas, real life stories, and inspiration for powerful people to level up. Tegan Trovato ( and Katie Rasoul (Team Awesome) are recovering HR executives and professional life & leadership coaches. In each episode, they’ll help you tap into your personal power and take your life and career to the “next level.”
Tegan & Katie are committed to helping others discover their inner mission and rise to their highest potential. And they are working on it every day themselves. Are you ready to transform how you lead and live? Find us anywhere you listen to your podcasts.