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Life & Leadership Podcast: Mentoring & Sponsorship—Bringing Others with You
In this podcast episode, we’re sharing the distinctions among mentoring, sponsorship and coaching and describing how to build a network of supporters who can solve any problem that might come up. We explore what makes an effective mentor and why it’s crucial to define what you want the mentoring relationship to look like.
Life & Leadership Podcast: Wayfinding for the Weary Entrepreneur, with E. Keller Fitzsimmons
Today, we’re joined by E. Keller Fitzsimmons, the author of Lost in Startuplandia: Wayfinding for the Weary Entrepreneur, accomplished tech entrepreneur and artist. Listen in for Kelly’s insight on how to cultivate the self-belief it takes to move through heartbreak and live your purpose.
Our Companies Are About to Squeeze Working Parents Dry
I have long felt that support for parents was a low-hanging opportunity for organizations to improve upon. But for parents as work starts “opening up” but schools and childcare do not, support from employers who “get it” will be critical. Parents are tired, and it might just be getting even harder for them.
Creating Superb Teams (Using 6 Team Conditions), with Dr. Ruth Wageman and Dr. Krister Lowe
Today, on the Life and Leadership Podcast, we are joined by Dr. Ruth Wageman and Dr. Krister Lowe, the creators of the 6 Team Conditions Framework and Team Diagnostic Survey. Listen in to hear about the 3 essentials and the 3 enablers that make up the 6 Team Conditions Framework, the most common dysfunctions they encounter in teams, and how to fix them with brilliant collaboration.
Creating Your Optimized Day
In Before World (that is, before our normal routines were upended by the effects of a global pandemic), we were asleep at the wheel. Take this moment of shakeup to design your day exactly how you would like it to be. Here are some ideas on how to realize the power we have to radically redesign our own lives.
Life and Leadership Podcast: Mental Health for All, with Alexa James of NAMI
On this episode of the Life and Leadership Podcast, we’re joined by Alexa James, the Executive Director of the Chicago Chapter for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), an organization dedicated to providing hope and improving the quality of life for people through mental health for all.