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Redirect Your Energy with One Question: How Do You Define Success?
Have you ever had that feeling as if you accomplished something, but it didn’t bring you as much fulfillment as you thought it would? Your energy can be redirected towards the things that matter most to you by getting crystal clear about what you define as successful.
Cultivating Innovation and Creativity in the Workplace
Allowing space for innovation and creativity at work can mean more than good business ideas. It can be a powerful force for engaging and retaining some of your best and brightest talent.
Mistakes are a Trick
What would you do differently if you could not make a mistake? What if I told you that you can’t make a mistake?
The Strength and Curse of the High Achiever
My intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and creativity seemed to always serve me well to achieve my goals. I set unrealistic expectations for myself, and that weight became heavier over time. I have always been a high-achieving introvert. When my unrealistic expectations no longer had a ceiling, they exploded.
Death by Meetings and Other Problems You Can Solve with Your Leadership
Making intentional leadership practices can be the small changes that make a big difference. Here are four common culture pitfalls that can be drastically improved with your awareness and intentional leadership. And please, enough with the useless meetings.
Swimming in the Stuff That Matters
I have driven to work feeling a cocktail of dread and anxiousness that would lead to a few deep breaths working up the strength to walk through the doors. If you have ever felt this discomfort, I want you to get really clear on the stuff that matters to you, and then find a way to bask in it.