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Better at Feedback: Four Small Adjustments You Can Make
We have to do better. The people around us are craving an environment of trust and feedback, but we are struggling to do it right. Here are four small adjustments you can make for big impact.
Advocating for Yourself at Work
Not everyone that you work with in your organization is equipped to give you exactly what you need in your career, and that is okay. Only you know what you need, so advocating for yourself even when it feels hard or unpopular might be exactly what’s missing from your work mojo.
The Inner Critic: Meet Bridget
As an introvert, it is common for me to have a rich inner dialogue going on with myself at any given moment. More often than we realize, we have inner critics that hijack the conversation. Mine is Bridget. Would you like to meet her too?
Fear of the Future
Much of the feelings of anxiety or feeling trapped have to do with fear of one thing in particular: the future. If we are planners and thinkers, then we can expend an inordinate amount of energy considering all possible future outcomes, identifying worst-case scenarios, and attaching fear to what might happen.
When Your “High-Performance” Culture Wears Out Its Welcome
You call yourself a “high-performance” organization, and in many ways, you are. But, beware the fatal flaw. It is silently ingrained in the organizational culture that busy is a badge of honor, long hours are to be exalted or expected, and an idea that “frankly, you must not be the high performer we thought you were if you aren’t willing to do what it takes.”
A New Parent’s Take on Workplace Culture
For all of the new parents at work out there, I see you. I have a theory that parents leave the workforce because after the value of our time shifts, sometimes work no longer provides the meaning that we are in search of. No, those conference calls aren’t the source of my higher purpose.