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A Manifesto On Community
Often, we first think of community as a physical place, but I would challenge you to look beyond the physical, beyond the obvious. It is not a place, but a feeling. A sense of community comes from the synergy of combining and elevating these key factors.
What is Your Proud Moment for the Week?
By asking your team to reflect on their proud moments, you give them the opportunity for deliberation and the chance to share their pride when they might not do so otherwise. Sharing what you’re proud of as well is an important glimpse into your thoughts for your team to get to know what you really care about too.
Why Do Leadership Teams Fail?
It is mission-critical for the senior leadership team to work synergistically because they have direct impact over most, if not all, of the business. Here are some common pitfalls for why senior leadership teams fail to unite, and the stakes are too high to go on ignoring them.
Permission to Speak Freely?
We have grown up our whole lives believing that there is someone else that is granting permission out there, and that we should make sure we have it before we proceed. But, the permission we give ourselves is the most powerful, both when it is granted or withheld.
The Triple-Threat Challenge: Owning your time, energy, and money
Time, energy, and money are not perpetually renewal resources although sometimes we brazenly spend them as if they are. Here is a challenge for the rest of the year: make some conscious choices to stop overestimating your time, draining your energy, and blowing away your money.
Fear and the Problem of Doing Nothing
Being surrounded by other changemakers makes you question any moment of your existence that you were wasting on meaningless work. And why don’t people change? It’s simple; fear. Here are a few baby steps to get us all to do SOMETHING, and how I see things already starting to turn.