The Llama
and the Balloon

Written by Katie Rasoul
Illustrated by Lauren Fantin

Larry is a quiet and content llama. Terry is a bouncing and energetic tiger. When Larry loses his favorite treasure, an unlikely friendship is formed. This is a story about how quiet characters make friends, see the world, and be themselves.

“Larry loved to go about his day curiously examining the flowers or sitting under a shady tree studying the world passing by.”




“My children love this book! It is such a wonderful book about the importance of friendship, kindness, and how different personalities can harmonize.”

– Sophie, mom of two in between operating on people

“This sweet story highlights what friendship is really all about: enjoying and sharing the simple things together.”

– Kathryn, mom of three and play guide creator

“I love the book!!! It’s tender-hearted, thoughtful, FUN, brave, and full of love.”

– Emily, mom of two and stuffie collector


Katie Rasoul is an author, introvert, and macaroni and cheese aficionado. She also spends her time coaching leaders, speaking on big stages, and coaching kids in sports because kids make everything more fun. Katie lives in Wisconsin with her husband and two children. The Llama and the Balloon is her first, but certainly not last, children’s book. Grown-ups can also read her non-fiction book, Hidden Brilliance: A High-Achieving Introvert’s Guide to Self-Discovery, Leadership and Playing Big.